ArticleWriter-Translator Game: A Stylometric Analysis of Taha Hussein's khiTbat al-Shaykh (<i>The Shaykh's Marriage Proposal</i>) and its English Translation
ArticleWriter-Translator Game: A Stylometric Analysis of Taha Hussein's khiTbat al-Shaykh (<i>The Shaykh's Marriage Proposal</i>) and its English Translation
ArticleHermeneutics from Exegesis to Aesthetics: Towards Establishing Key Principles for Literary Hermeneutics
ArticleHermeneutics from Exegesis to Aesthetics: Towards Establishing Key Principles for Literary Hermeneutics
ArticleQuestioning the Essence of Literature: A Deconstructive Reading of Ortega Y Gasset’s and Mikel Dufrenne’s Phenomenological Investigations of the Ideal Literary Object
ArticleQuestioning the Essence of Literature: A Deconstructive Reading of Ortega Y Gasset’s and Mikel Dufrenne’s Phenomenological Investigations of the Ideal Literary Object