Background: Safety is the ultimate goal of all interantioned Labor unite at different Parts of the world. Therefore maternity murses have a Pats of roles ta promote safety measure. Purpose of the study: was to assess the maternity nurses' role in safety measures in the labor unit. Design: A descriptive research design was utilized. Settings: The study was conducted at the Obstetrics and Sample: A convenient sample of 80 nurses was selected from the departments of Menoufia University Hospital and Shebin El-Kom Teaching Hospital in Menoufia Governorate. Sample: A convenient sample of 80 nurses was selected. Instruments: Three instruments ere used Nurses' knowledge regarding safety measures in the labor unit observational checklist, and attitude of nurses towards safety measures in the labor unit). Results: It shows that 55.0% of the studied nurses had a fair knowledge level, 6.0% had a poor knowledge level, and 39.0% had a good knowledge level about safety measures in the labor unit. Also, 81.25% of the studied nurses had satisfied practice scores, while 18.75% of them had unsatisfied practices towards safety measures in the labor unit. Furthermore, 87.50% of them had a positive attitude, while 12.50% of them had a negative attitude towards safety measures in the labor unit. Conclusion: Over half of nurses had a fair knowledge level towards safety measures in the labor unit, around three-fourths of them had a satisfied practice level, and most of them had a positive attitude. Recommendations: Maternity nurses are advised to receive ongoing knowledge and skills towards safety measures in the labor unit as a part of their nursing care.