Background: Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) is a technique used for solving problems regarding patient care leading to
lower health costs, better patient outcomes and safer care. Aim: The study aimed to assess Evidence Based Practice's
knowledge and attitude from maternity nurse's point of view. Design: A descriptive cross sectional study design was
utilized. Setting: The study was conducted in the obstetrics and gynecology departments at Mansoura University
Hospital. Sample: A convenient sample of 120 maternity nurses Tools: One tool was use it consists of three parts . part
1: Socio demographic & professional data of maternity nurses. Part 11: Maternity nurses knowledge about EBP
question. Part 111: Attitude of maternity nurses regard EBP scale. Results: The present study results showed that most
of the studied nurses (97.5%) know that protein supplementation in women at risk for low birth weight & stop smoking
and alcohol for reducing low birth weight are effective and safe ANC interventions. About (73.3%) of the studied nurses
didn't know that careful monitoring of the progress of labor by using WHO partograph was useful practice during labor.
Majority (87.5 %) of them know that routine administration of vitamin K to all healthy newborns was insufficient
evidence practice during postpartum. Also, less than half of studied nurses (48.3%, 39.2% respectively) strongly agreed
that EBP encourages patient-centered care, the that, the application of EBP improves patient's healthcare outcomes.
Conclusions: Majority of the studied nurses had a poor general knowledge about EBP. Two thirds of them had fair
knowledge regard EBP in Antenatal &labor. Also majority of them had fair knowledge regard EBP in postpartum.
Moreover, more than three quarters of studied nurses had positive attitude toward EBP. Recommendations Training
program should be utilized for maternity nurses to improve their knowledge about EBP.