This research deals with the definite and indefinite articles in the Italian language and the Arabic language through a contrastive study. The aim of the research is to study the types of definite and indefinite articles in detail in the two languages, and to study their characteristics and special uses in geographical names, foreign names, abbreviations, titles, proper nouns, possessive adjectives, compound prepositions, the fragmentary article, and the ancient uses of the articles as well. Definition and indefiniteness and finding points of similarity and difference between them in the Italian language and the Arabic language.
The research is divided into two parts:
The first part includes theoretical information about the definite article and the indefinite article in the two languages
The second part includes points of similarity and difference between the definite and indefinite articles in the two languages.
We find that the definite article in the Arabic language is divided into “the" ال الجنسية, “the" ال العهدية, and “the" to define the truth لتعريف الحقيقة, in addition to other types such as: “the" extraال الزائدة , “the" for لمح الاصل, and “the" for fame ال للغلبة
The “ال" العهدية is divided into: “ال" العهدية عهد ذهني “ال"والعهدية عهد حضوري
The Italian definite article is used to refer to class, gender, class, and 'all' ogni can be used in place of the article. This corresponds to the ال الجنسية in Arabic.
In the Italian language, the definite article can in some contexts perform the function of an adjective or a demonstrative pronoun, while in the Arabic language the ال العهدية عهد حضوري sometimes performs the same function.
These are some of the results I reached at the conclusion of the research.