The study has been conducted at Canadian International College (CIC) in Egypt, in which a sample of 8 leaders, 52 academics, and 80 students, from two colleges, for three consecutive years, filled out questionnaires, and resulted in that : top management members of Canadian international college have a noticeable effect on their followers psychological capital or on academic staff members' psychological capital, and accordingly academic staff members' psychological capital has a positive effect on their students' satisfaction which means that the students' of high psychological capital academic member are more satisfied than the students' of low psychological capital academic member , and so the research proved that high psychological capital academic member positively affect the growth of their organization which means that the organizations of high psychological capital academic staff achieved more organizational growth than other ones with low psychological capital academic staff, finally the research discovered the partial mediating effect of followers' psychological capital between leader's psychological capital and both of their students' satisfaction and their organizations' growth, which means that the mediating variable accounts for some, but not all, of the relationship between the independent variable and dependent variable, implies that : there is not only a significant relationship between the mediator and the dependent variable but also some direct relationship between the independent and dependent variable, as shown by the significant positive effect of the independent variable, leaders' psychological capital, on a dependent variable in terms of students' satisfaction and organizational growth.