Web GIS is a type of distributed geographic information system, comprising at least a server and a client(s), where the server is a GIS server and the client is a web browser, desktop application, or mobile application, (ESRI,2017). By this definition, web GIS introduces distinct advantages over traditional desktop GIS such as global reach, large number of users, better cross-platform capability, low cost compared to the number of users, easy to use, unified updates, and diverse applications. Because of that, the applications of Web GIS can be utilized in any domain deals with spatial data and information. Health Services Sector is one of these domains. Web GIS can be utilized in health sector by different ways. In this study, Web GIS is used to disseminate information about different health services in AL-Seeb Walayat, Muscat, Oman to help citizens and residents find the required health service when it is needed using a web browser either on a PC or a Mobile Phone. They will have access to full information about the nearby health centers according to their locations, opening hours, available medical services, contact means,…..etc. Spatial and non-spatial data of available health centers have been collected and stored in a spatial database using ArcGIS 10.4.1. The produced final maps have been transferred to "Arc GIS Online" to share them on the Internet and extract the HTML codes to be used for a special Web Site for this project.