Background: climate change, caused by both natural factors and human activities, is a major global health concern. Aim: The study aimed to evaluate the effect of adaptation strategies on raising mother's awareness regarding health consequences of climate change among their children. Study design: A quasi-experimental design being utilized. Setting: The study was performed in outpatient clinics for nutrition and respiratory care at the pediatric hospital affiliated with Ain Shams University hospitals and the outpatient clinic at Mustafa Hassan pediatric hospital affiliated with Fayoum University. Sampling: The study included sample of a convenience 90 mothers accompanied with their children under 5 years old. Tools of Data Collection: First tool: A structured interview questionnaire consisting of four parts was employed. Part I: It concentrated on the mothers' and children's demographic characteristics. Part II: Presented health history of children less than five years. Part III: Displayed mothers' knowledge about climate change. Part IV: It concerned with adaptive strategies scale regarding climate changes. Second tool: To assess the mothers' mindful attention awareness scale regarding climate change. Third tool: Mentioned mothers' reported practices regarding health consequences of climate change. Results: The finding of the current study demonstrated that the mean age of mothers were 36.11±8.22 .Also, following implementation of adaptation strategies, 81.1%, 83.3%, 80%,and 86.7% of mothers stated having good levels of knowledge, adaptive, awareness and practices about mothers' awareness regarding the health consequences of climate change among their children, respectively. Additionally, there was a highly statistically significant difference in the mothers' claimed knowledge and reported practices, as well as awareness regarding their children adaptation to change in the climate. Conclusion: The study's conclusions indicated that mothers' knowledge of the troubling implications of changes in the climate on their children's wellbeing was insufficient, which in turn had an impact on their practices and awareness of the issues. Improvements in the total knowledge score, reported practices and adaptive methods to mitigate influences on health of climate change after intervention were highly statistically significant. Following the program's implementation, mothers' acquaintance of the negative health effects of the changing environment on their young children also emerged. Recommendations: Establish a training program to help mothers become more knowledgeable about adaptable strategies that will help alleviate the detrimental effects of environmental crisis on their children.