Back ground: Newborn screening is a public health prevention system that provides early identification for conditions that can affect a child's long-term health or survival. The aim of this study was to assess parents' awareness regarding newborn screening in Bahariya Oasis. Research design: A descriptive design was utilized. Setting: This study was conducted at maternal and child health center in Elbawiti city, Bahariya Oasis in Giza governorate Sample: A convenient sample composed of (238) parents accompanied with their newborn. Tools: Two tools were used first tool: Structured interviewing questionnaire for parents was used, including four parts :part (I) Socio-demographic characteristics about parents. Part(II) past history reported by parents, Part (III) The parent's knowledge regarding newborn screening. Part (IV)The parents' reported practices regarding newborn screening. Second tool: Attitude scale to assess parents' attitude toward newborn screening. Results: The majority of the studied parents had un satisfactory level of knowledge. The majority of the studied parents had a healthy reported practice. The most of the studied parents had positive attitude. Conclusion: The study concluded that there were a highly statistical significant relation between total knowledge of parents and their age and educational level. A highly statistical significant relation between total reported practice of parents and their age and educational level. A highly statistical difference relationship between parents' total knowledge and their total reported practices. Recommendations: Increasing awareness of parents about newborn screening through mass media and social networks. Further studies including larger samples of parents from different geographical areas to generalize the results in Egypt.