Background: Despite the alarming trend of increased marriage age in many societies, early
marriage is still a serious issue and a form of violence against girls. Aim: Assess nursing students'
perception about the risk factors associated with early marriage. Setting: Nasser Institute Nursing
School, Cairo, Egypt. Sample: Purposive sampling was used in this study, it includes (120) students
all presented in Nasser Institute Nursing School Cairo, Egypt, their age under 18 yrs. Tools: Self
administered questionnaire: It designed by the investigator in simple Arabic language to collect the
following data: Socio-demographic data of the nursing students, nurses' knowledge as regard to
early marriage and reproductive health and nursing students' perception of adverse physical,
psychological and social health consequences of early marriage. Results: More than half of the
nursing students were between age16-17 years old with mean age 14.6±1.2, as regarding ranking on
the family, about half of them were ranking as a second child. Also, more than half of them were
not working. Regarding social status, more than two thirds of them were not engaged. More than
half of the nursing students were live in a rural area. More than two thirds of the nursing students
were had enough monthly income. More than two thirds of the studied nursing students had
unsatisfied knowledge about early marriage and reproductive health. Also, more than two thirds of
them had negative perception regarding early marriage. Conclusion: There was a highly statistically
significant relation between age, occupation and marital status of the nursing students and their
knowledge regarding early marriage. Moreover, there were a highly statistically significant relation
between nursing students' socio-demographic characteristics and their perception regarding early
marriage. There is a positive correlation between knowledge and perception of the nursing students
regarding early marriage. Recommendations: Further research studies are needed for ongoing
assessment of students including large sample for generalization of results.