إِنَّ كِتَابَ المُستَدرَكِ عَلَى الصَّحِيحَينِ لِلإِمَامِ الحَاكِمِ – أَحَدُ دَوَاوِينِ الحَدِيثِ النَّبَوِيِّ الشَّرِيفِ، الَّتِي قُدِّرَ لَهَا الذُّيُوعُ وَالانتِشَارُ؛ وَلَعَلَّ ذَلِكَ رَاجِعٌ إِلَى رُسُوخِ قَدَمِ مُؤَلِّفِهِ، وَعُلُوِّ قَدرِهِ فِي مُختَلَفِ عُلُومِ الحَدِيثِ، إِضَافَةً لِمَا اكتَسَبَهُ الكِتَابُ مِن مَكَانِةٍ عِلمِيَّةٍ؛ لِكَونِهِ مُحَاوَلَةً جَادَّةً لِلسَّيرِ عَلَى خُطَى الشَّيخَينِ فِي تَخرِيجِ الصَّحِيحِ.
وَقَد بَذَلَ الإِمَامُ الحَاكِمُ جُهُودًا مَشكُورَةً فِي انتِقَاءِ الصَّحِيحِ، إِلا أَنَّهُ لَم يَسلَم مِن القُصُور فِي مَوَاطِنَ عَدِيدَةٍ، وَقَد تَعَقَّبَهُ بَعضُ الأَئِمَّةِ مِن أَشهَرِهِم الذَّهَبِيُّ فِي كِتَابِهِ (التَّلخِيصُ).
وَمِن عَجِيبِ مَا نُطَالِعُهُ فِي كِتَابِ المُستَدرَكِ – تَصحِيحُ الحَاكِمِ جُملَةً مِن أَحَادِيثِ الضُّعَفَاءِ وَالمَجَاهِيلِ وَالهَلكَى، وَلَقَد لَفَت انتِبَاهِي حُكمُ الإِمَامِ الذَّهَبِيِّ عَلَى تَسعَةَ عَشَرَ حَدِيثًا فِيهِ بِأَنَّ أَسَانِيدَهَا مُظلِمَةً، وَمَعَ تَرَدُّدِ هَذَا المُصطَلَحِ بَينَ الضَّعفِ الشَّدِيدِ وَالوَضعِ – رَأَيتُ مِن المُنَاسِبِ التَّوَقُّفَ أَمَامَ هَذَا المَشهَدِ لِدِرَاسَتِهِ، وَإِبدَاءِ مَا يَظهَرُ لِي مِن نَتَائِجَ فِي ضَوءِ الدِّرَاسَةِ النَّقدِيَّةِ لأَحكَامِ الإِمَامَينِ عَلَى هَذِه الأَحَادِيثِ.
وَمَعَ أَنَّ هَذِهِ الدِّرَاسَةَ لَيسَت الأُولَى فِي هَذَا البَابِ إِلا أَنِي رَأَيتُ فِيهَا عِلاجًا لِبَعضِ القُصُورِ فِي الدِّرَاسَاتِ السَّابِقَةِ، وَقَد جَاءَت فِي مُقَدِّمَةٍ وَمَبحَثَينِ وَخَاتِمَةٍ، وَعُنوَانُ المَبحَثَينِ عَلَى النَّحوِ الآتِي:
المَبحَثُ الأَوَّلُ: مَروِيَّاتُ الحَاكِمِ فِي المُستَدرَكِ الَّتِي نَصَّ عَلَى تَصحِيحِهَا، وَتَعَقَّبَهُ الذَّهَبِيُّ بِأَنَّ أَسَانِيدَهَا مُظلِمَةٌ.
المَبحَثُ الثَّانِي: مَروِيَّاتُ الحَاكِمِ فِي المُستَدرَكِ الَّتِي لَم يُصَرِّحْ بِتَصحِيحِهَا، وَتَعَقَّبَهُ الذَّهَبِيُّ بِأَنَّ أَسَانِيدَهَا مُظلِمَةٌ.
The book of Al-mustadrak according to the two greatest books of Hadith (Al-sahiheen) by Imam al-Hakim is one of the Hadith books of the Prophet, which was destined to widely spread , Perhaps this is due to the firmness of its author's foot and the high level of his ability in various sciences of Hadith, in addition to the scientific status gained by the book, because it is a serious attempt to follow in the footsteps of the two sheikhs in documenting the correct( Al sahih).
Alhakim Imam has made commendable efforts in selecting the correct one, but he has not been spared from shortcomings in many areas, and some imams have tracked him down from the most famous Al-dhahabi in his book Altalkhees (summing up).
It is strange what we read in Al – mustadrak's book – Al-Hakim corrected a number of hadiths of the weak, the ignorant and the doomed.Imam Al-dhahabi's ruling on nineteen hadiths in it drew my attention that their asanids are dark, and with the fluctuation of this term between extreme weakness and the fabrication-I thought it appropriate to stop in front of this scene to study it, and to show what results appear to me in light of the Critical Study of the two imams ' rulings on these hadiths.
Although this study is not the first in this section, I saw in it a remedy for some shortcomings in previous studies, and it came in an introduction, two chapters and a conclusion, and the title of the two chapters as follows:
The first chapter:
the narrations of Al-hakim's in the mustadrak, which he stipulated to correct, and Al-dhahabi trace that its Asanids are dark.
The second chapter:
the narrations of the Al-hakim in Al-mustadrak that he did not authorize to correct, and Al-dhahabi trace that its asanids are dark.