Kenya through Nuclear Power and Energy Agency (NuPEA) has developed a feasibility study that provides the justification of having the first Nuclear in the country. The study determined Kenya's status and readiness to introduce a research reactor. Through the study, the potential stakeholders and their needs were identified. The study shows that there is a need to have a research reactor in Kenya, which will support education and training, industrial, medical, and research applications. The priorities of utilization of the 5Mwth multipurpose research reactor will include Education and Training, Radioisotope Production, Instrument testing and calibration, Neutron Activation Analysis, Material Structure Studies, and Neutron Transmutation Doping.
For safe operation and utilization of the Kenya nuclear research reactor, there is need to have comprehensive regulations in the country. To that effect, Kenya Nuclear Regulatory Authority (KNRA) established under the Nuclear Regulatory Act No. 29 of 2019 has the mandate to provide protection of persons, property and the environment against the harmful effects of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. The Authority is currently developing nuclear regulations. The role on Nuclear Power and Energy Agency is Monitor the progress on development of the regulations, inclusive of licensing a research reactor, assist the Regulator on regulation required for RR project towards its operation and Ensuring Kenya ratifies relevant conventions & treaties such as Joint Conventions and Convention on Nuclear Safety.