Two field experiments were conducted at Sakha Agricultural Research
Station (Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate) during 2008/2009 and 2009/2010
seasons to investigate the effect of combinations of N and B applications on
yield and its components as well as quality characteristics of three sugar beet
varieties namely: Lola, Pleno and Farida. Nitrogen was added as broadcast,
and boron as foliar application at levels (100 kg N/fed + zero B), (100 kg
N/fed + 100 ppm B), and (100 kg N/fed + 150 ppm B).
The obtain results showed that:
1- Root fresh weight (kg), as well as root length and diameter (cm) were
significantly improved in both seasons by adding 100 kg N/fed + 100 or 150
ppm B. Treatment with 100 kg N/fed + 150 ppm B significantly increased
sucrose % by (4.5 and 3.9%), extraction sugar% by (6.2 and 6.0%), root
yield by (11.8 and 10.4%) and sugar yield by (18.7 and 16.7%) compared
with (100 kg N/fed + zero B) treatment in both seasons, respectively.
Impurities parameters (K, Na and α-amino N%), and Alkalinity coefficient
were significantly reduced by adding 100kg N+ 150ppm B in both seasons.
2- Varieties were significantly different for all traits under this study. Farida
variety was superior for root fresh weight by (8.5 and 7.2%), root diameter
(7.0 and 5.5%) and root yield by (5.6 and 4.6%) compared to Lola variety in
the 1st and 2nd seasons respectively, while Lola variety surpassed other
varieties in quality traits (sucrose%, extraction sugar%, and extractability %
and recoverable sugar yield/fed) in both seasons.
3- Applications of nitrogen combined with boron had significant effect on
sucrose%, as well as root and sugar yields (t/ fed) for the studied varieties in
both seasons.
4- We can recommend by use 100 kg N/fed combined with Boron at 100ppm
to reduce juice impurities and increase the productivity of sugar beet