An experiment for screening of 17 onion genotypes grown through sets was conducted during the two successive seasons, 2014/015 and 2015/016, at Giza Research Station, Field Crops Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center to study their response to produce onion bulbs through sets and estimate some genetic parameters for economical bulb traits. Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications was used. Significant differences among the genotypes were detected for all studied traits. Genotype "Composite 12" recorded high values of plant height, number of leaves/plant, total yield, marketable yield , culls yield and low value of total weight loss 90 days after harvesting, " Composite 8" showed high values of plant height, marketable yield and produced lower values of double and bolter bulbs percentage. "Composite 18" exhibited superiority for producing marketable yield with lower value of bolter bulbs percentage. GCV% and PCV% values were medium to high for total yield, marketable yield, culls yield, bolters%, doubles%, small bulbs%, total bulbs weight loss and low for plant height and number of leaves/plant. Narrow difference between (PCV%) and (GCV%) was observed for plant height, total yield, culls yield, whereas wide difference for marketable yield, doubles% and small bulbs% was detected. High to moderate heritability (h2b) coupled with high to moderate genetic advance as percentage of means (GAM) were observed for total yield, marketable yield, culls yield, bolters bulbs%, doubles bulb%, small bulbs% and total bulbs weight loss, indicating that these traits are controlled by additive gene action and less affected by environment so, it could be improved through mass selection, whereas plant height and number leaves/plant displayed high to medium h2b associated with low GAM%, indicating that these traits are controlled by non additive gene action and highly affected by environmental factors, therefore the simple selection could be inefficient to improve these traits. It could be concluded that, genotypes " Composite 12", " Composite 8" and "Composite 18" could be used for producing onion bulbs through sets and selection could be efficient to improve total yield, marketable yield, culls yield, bolters bulbs%, doubles bulb%, small bulbs% and total bulbs weight loss%.