Rota viral antigen (Group A) was investigated in 175 molluscan shellfish pools including 102 Om-Elkohloul "Donax tranculus" and 73 Gandofelly "Tapes decussates" from threefish markets along Alexandria coast, Egypt, during 2008. Each pool was examined using ELISA and latex agglutination techniques. Fifty selected samples were examined using RT-PCR; also the hygienic conditions of fish markets environment were personally monitored. Rota viral antigen could be detected in 20 (19.61%) & 15 (14.71%) and in 13 (17.81%) & 10 (13.7%) of examined Om-Elkohloul and Gandofelly samples using ELISA & LA techniques respectively. No significance difference between different fish markets in detecting Rota viral antigen. The comparison between the results of RT-PCR and each of ELISA and Latex techniques for detection of Rota viral antigen was studied in 50 selected molluscs' samples (33 positives by ELISA and 17 negative by both ELISA and LA tests). Accordingly, the sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predicative values for ELISA test were 86.11%, 85.71%, 93,94% and 70.59%, while it was 69.44%, 100.0%, 100.0% and 56.0% for LA test, respectively. In conclusion, this study revealed high detection rate of Rotavirus in molluscan shellfish, which may be one of the most important causative agent of gastroenteritis associated with the consumption of raw molluscs. The good sensitivity, specificity between the results of RT-PCR and each of ELISA and LA indicate that the latter two techniques can be used as reliable tools for detection of Rotavirus in shellfish. The corrective actions and hygienic precautions needed to protect consumers against possible hazard of Rotavirus through consumption of these products were discussed and clarified to be employed.