The availability of foods high in fat and energy dense through fast foods (FF) or taking away restaurants was associated with the poor quality diet. The main aim of the present investigation was directed to assess the proximate composition of FF meals and its nutritional contribution to dietary quality of children as one of the most vulnerable group of population. Two brands of worldwide chain happy meals (beef and chicken burgers were evaluated for the proximate composition, i.e. moisture, protein, total lipids, ash and fiber. Carbohydrates & energy values were calculated. Contribution of these meals was compared with children's daily recommendations.
Chemical composition of happy meals showed that, beef burger from second chain recorded the lowest percent of moisture (36.70%) and protein (15.70%). However, the other three meals had close percentages (41.40 - 42.23%) from moisture, chicken burger from second chain scored the highest percent from protein (19.12%). Although, the percent of fiber (5.63-7.00 %) revealed poor content, all happy meals were considered highly energy dense (565.88-588.36 K.cal).They also had very high percent from fat (40.32-43.76%). Neglected difference was observed between meals from ash contents (1.32-1.85%).
Regarding nutrients adequacy, the percentage of energy was covered by the four meals ranging between 30 - more than 50% of needs of children from 2 - 11 years old. Chicken burger from second chain had the lowest values of energy requirements due to its weight compared with other meals. Happy meals contribution exceeded the requirements of children at 1-3 years old (129.9- 146.2 % of protein AMDR).These percentages were 49.7 - 55.9 % at 9-13 years old &88.9 - 100% for children from 4 - 9 years. With regard to fat contribution from happy meals all children (in the three age categories 1-3, 4-9 and 9-13 years) could be got more than their needs . Children got approximately one fifth to one third of their needs of carbohydrates when they consumed one happy meal. While, they have one tenth to one quarter of their needs from fiber from this meal.