Richard Wright is considered to be one of the most important Negro writers. This research aims at examining and analyzing Richard's Native Son in order to point out the intended meaning of the author from a pragmatic perspective that helps in making the author's style effective throughout the use of implicatuer. The term implicature refers to meaning; suggesting, or implying something by saying something else. It is associated with the speaker's intention. It is defined in terms of what the speaker intends to say or what the hearer thinks the speaker intends to say. ‘what is implicated' and ‘what is said' are part of speaker meaning. Moreover, implicature is very significant to understand the context in which such utterances occur. The analysis shows that Wright uses implicature to highlight the themes of freedom, marriage, death, and love in his work.
يهدف هذا البحث إلى دراسة تحليل رواية "الابن الاصلي" للکاتب الأمريکي ريتشارد رايت من منظوربراجماتي لتوضيح المعنى الضمني الذي تشتمل عليه الرواية, و يرتکز هذا التحليل على استخدام التضمين اللغوي. إن التضمين مهم جدًا لفهم السياق. يُظهر التحليل أن رايت يستخدم التضمين لتسليط الضوء على موضوعات مهمة مثل الحرية والزواج والموت.