ArticleLinguistic Levels of Foregrounding in William Butler Yeats’ Deirdre, The Hour Glass, and Purgatory: An Overview
ArticleLinguistic Levels of Foregrounding in William Butler Yeats’ Deirdre, The Hour Glass, and Purgatory: An Overview
ArticleDereifying Tragic Existence: A Heideggerian Reading of Greek Tragedy and its Reformulation by Arthur Miller
ArticleDereifying Tragic Existence: A Heideggerian Reading of Greek Tragedy and its Reformulation by Arthur Miller
Article'It gives me an edge over all of yees": A Feminist Psychoanalytical Reading of Marina Carr's By the Bog of Cats
Article'It gives me an edge over all of yees": A Feminist Psychoanalytical Reading of Marina Carr's By the Bog of Cats