The impact of the social networks in achieving the knowledge society of students and
faculty members at the University of Kuwait and the General Authority for Applied
.Education and Training (myu model)
The following study aimed to identify the extent of the impact of the proliferation of social
networks such as myu and other applications on the university youth and members of the
teaching staff in the State of Kuwait, and to identify the most important social networks that
would prefer the university youth and members of the teaching staff in the State of Kuwait, read
ILA الجمعية المصرية للقراءة والمعرفة عضى الجمعية الدولية للمعرفة
the news or information, as well as expression of which, and to identify the methods and routes
used by university youth in communicating with members of the teaching staff and teachers and
the research community in the faculty members and students at Kuwait University and the
Public Authority for Applied Education and training, the number of the sample (104) and the use
of the descriptive approach individual researcher analytical study results reached unanimously
agreed percentage (%26) members of the sample of the research on the use of the program.MyU
always. The percentage of unanimous (%84.6) of the members of the research sample that they
spent less than an hour from the MyU program. The approval of the members of the research
sample medium degree on the presence of motives to use the application MYU as average of
paragraphs (2.12) and the standard deviation (0.74). The approval of the members of the
research sample to a large degree on their preference to follow up joint study on the application
of the myu news from other traditional methods, the overall average of paragraphs (2.51) and the
(standard deviation (0.67