For nearly four hundred years ,African Americans have suffered from racism and oppression in the United States of America .They were brought by the European as slaves from Africa in 17th and 18th centuries. About 40 million African Americans, 13% of the total population, live in the USA today. In 1860 Abraham Lincoln was elected president of the United States. He was strongly against slavery. Many southern states withdrew from the union and formed their own country – the Confederate States of America. It was the beginning of the Civil War, which lasted until 1865. After the Civil War , many African Americans have made more and more progress in their political and social life .However, about 25% of African Americans still live in poverty and suffer from racism under the guise of different new terms like cultural and institutional racism. This research investigates how American dramatists tackle the problem of racism through their plays .It will apply the post cultural/ post racial approach through Bruce Norris's Clybourne Park