ArticleThe social and emotional competence of teachers of intellectual disability from the point of view of their students.
ArticleThe social and emotional competence of teachers of intellectual disability from the point of view of their students.
ArticleThe Effectiveness of a Program Based on Psychodrama to Develop Social Competence in children with intellectual Disability
ArticleThe Effectiveness of a Program Based on Psychodrama to Develop Social Competence in children with intellectual Disability
ArticleEffect of Social Skills Training Program on Emotional Intelligence, Happiness, and Self-esteem among Adolescent Girls
ArticleEffect of Social Skills Training Program on Emotional Intelligence, Happiness, and Self-esteem among Adolescent Girls
ArticleThe Effect of the Social-Emotional Learning Strategy on Promoting EFL Pupils’ SEL Competencies and Critical Reading Skills in the First Cycle of the Basic Education
ArticleThe Effect of the Social-Emotional Learning Strategy on Promoting EFL Pupils’ SEL Competencies and Critical Reading Skills in the First Cycle of the Basic Education
ArticleThe Effect of Emotional- Social Intelligence on Aggressive Behavior of Children with Hearing Impairment
ArticleThe Effect of Emotional- Social Intelligence on Aggressive Behavior of Children with Hearing Impairment
ArticleThe Effectiveness of a Cognitive Behavioral Program in Developing Some Functional Language Skills and Executive Functions among The Educable Intellectually Disabled Adolescents
ArticleThe Effectiveness of a Cognitive Behavioral Program in Developing Some Functional Language Skills and Executive Functions among The Educable Intellectually Disabled Adolescents
ArticleThe effect of the memory development program in improving the reading comprehension of students with learning disabilities
ArticleThe effect of the memory development program in improving the reading comprehension of students with learning disabilities
ArticleEmotional Intelligence of parents and female teachers and its relation to Social Skills in children with Mild Intellectual Disability
ArticleEmotional Intelligence of parents and female teachers and its relation to Social Skills in children with Mild Intellectual Disability
Articleفعالية نموذج معالجة المعلومات الاجتماعية في تنمية الكفاءة الاجتماعية لدى ذوى صعوبات التعلم الاجتماعية والانفعالية من تلاميذ المرحلة الابتدائية
Articleفعالية نموذج معالجة المعلومات الاجتماعية في تنمية الكفاءة الاجتماعية لدى ذوى صعوبات التعلم الاجتماعية والانفعالية من تلاميذ المرحلة الابتدائية