an era of increased technological advancements, there is a crucial need to raise the consciousness concerning the surrounding environment. Drama plays an important role in delivering such environmental issues. Thus, the main objective of this study is to provide an eco-critical reading to Duncan Macmillan's and Chris Rapley's play 2071 by applying the principles of eco-criticism. The play is a solo performance play where the climate scientist Chris Rapley provides a scientific representation to the global environmental issue of climate Change. In the provided eco-critical reading the literary techniques are interwoven with the linguistic features in order to deliver the message of the play. The study depends on Belsey's (2002) categories of declarative, imperative, and interrogative models in analyzing the linguistic features. Furthermore, the study is divided into two schemas, the cause and effect schema which represent Urgency towards taking actions of the crisis, and the schema of solving and predicting particular reactions towards the matter of climate change. The first schema depends on presenting the causes and effects of climate change globally and it represents itself through the use of physical-geographical and geological aspects. The second schema puts prediction of future solutions concerning climate change. Moreover, Foreshadowing is depicted in the play as a warning technique in predicting how the world will look like in 2071.