The current article provides general features about the Japanese experience in the educational system and the inputs to its financing and spending, as the Department of Education in Japan is characterized by complementary between centralization and decentralization by providing double budgets for the advancement of education, so that the local authorities contribute almost half of the education expenses. Also, the amount of government spending on Japanese education exceeds about 20 % of the total national income, and these funds are often used well to serve the educational process. The local (municipal) municipal authorities participate in the central government in financing education, and each local authority provides the necessary financial support to educational institutions in it. Donations of individuals and organizations play a greater role in financing education, as do financial donation habits from banks, and those who hold funds contribute to financing Japanese educational programs. These financial donations appear to fund educational activities as the end of life nears the Japanese.
This article concluded that Japanese government spending is on educational institutions (both public and private), and financial subsidies are provided to all educational entities, public and private, to students and families, and the private sector there supports educational funding.