Articleالدراما النفسية والمرض العقلي كمقاومة فى "ورق الحائط الأصفر" (1892) لشارلوت بيركنز جيلمان Psychodrama and Mental Illness as Resistance in Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s The Yellow Wal
Articleالدراما النفسية والمرض العقلي كمقاومة فى "ورق الحائط الأصفر" (1892) لشارلوت بيركنز جيلمان Psychodrama and Mental Illness as Resistance in Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s The Yellow Wal
ArticleDealing with Feminism, according to Virginia Woolf and Elain Showalter: concerning the poetry of Emily Dickinson and Fadwa Tawqan.
ArticleDealing with Feminism, according to Virginia Woolf and Elain Showalter: concerning the poetry of Emily Dickinson and Fadwa Tawqan.