Because language is the medium of communication and message conveying in literary works as is the case in other human activities that require the use of language whether verbally or nonverbally, it is very logical to study literary works linguistically to benefit from the findings of linguistics in reaching the best understanding of different genres of literature. Stylistics plays a major role in this domain since it is the area which combines the clashing teams of literary critics and linguists on the same ground. In this vein, this research aims at using Richard Wright's Native Son as the raw material for a linguistic stylistic analysis aiming at a deeper understanding of the motifs of both the author together with his protagonist. However, the analysis is limited to the use of some racist lexical items as employed by the writer starting from the title and including some of the most characteristic vocabulary features of the novel that obviously reflect the racist nature of the American society during the first decades of the twentieth century as thought by Wright.
Racist Lexical Items, irony, Richard Wright, Native Son
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The Use of Racist Lexical Items and Irony in Richard Wright's Native Son