The main objective of this research was to determine perception of Extension centers officers for some Characteristics of the Extension trainees, and how to inhibit their henders affects on the managing training processes. So. twelve Characteristics was measured to recognize and identify differences between the Extension center's officers perception of their trainees while implementation training activities inner the AECs. Coefficient of variance and Pearson's correlation Coefficient were used to analyze the data , the sample amounted to 72 employees (41%) of the total number of the officers of AECs in Egypt. The result of the research revealed that: First Most of employees are medium- aged , not exposured for training as an officers of AECs thinking subjects were neglected in the previous training and some of them lack of the essential and necessary qualifications for occupation these job. $econd; 46 % of AEAs and 38% of farmers dislike the training in the AECs be-cause: There is no time, no intensive, no benefits of training repetive the same subjects with the same trainers and the farthest of the AECs. Ma; Right perception of the employees for the PCPs of the trainees are amounted from 60% to 92 %. On the other hand, talker pattern appears in the morning training, abashed pattern appears in the afternoon training and the watcher pattern appears in the evening training. Fourth- There is a variance between the employees on their right perceptions. real estimation of PCPs and methods of inhibition which dealing with the henders behaviors of the trainees of the AEAs and farmers, where the employees were estimated the percentage of henders of training about 76 % by the AEAs PCPs and 80 % by the farmers PCPs. The previous results make us sure that there is a real needs for the most of the officers of the Extensional centers for training on how to conduct the training activities inner the AECs and how to know the personal characteristics patterns for the different trainees, and how to inhibit their henders affects. It means improving their intersectional skills in methods of dealing with the audience from the trainees inner the AECs. So, improving effectiveness and sufficiency of the agricultural extension centers in Egypt.