This study aims 10 identity types of farm and home waste available to the investigated rural women . to identify their ways in disposing these waste. and to determine the relationship between the degrees of rural women practices of getting rid of these waste and some studied variables . Also the study alms to determine the percentages by which each related variabtes participates In explaining the variation in the dependent variable, as well as to identify the obstacles facing meal women to get rid of these waste. and their suggestions to overcome these ob-stacles. Finally, the study aims to determine the relative importance of rural women's Information sources related to dispose these wastes. Data were cotlectec from eight villages selected from four gov-ernorates wroth are Dukahlyia. Monona. Fayoum, and Beni- SMOi through personal intervesew by using questionnaires from (420 systematic random sample of farmers wives represent (10%) of the total farmers wives registered in the co-operative records, Simple correLation.Stro-mse test, tables. frequencies. and per were used to present and analyze the data. The study revealed the following results: There were many farm and home wastes which rural women handle reached to (23) kind among them (6) farm wastes and (17) home wastes. The most important ways used to dispose farm wastes were : using as fuel. feederg animals, in the stable of animals, and selling to others. Concerning home wastes. the most important ways of disposal were throwing in the trash, use as fuel, burning, dumping in the ground. throwing in the street or in the canal. -There were only two independent variables among the seven significant independent ones contribute rural women's practices to dis-pose farm and home wastes, they affected together by about (67.69%) the change of dependent variable ( 66.32 % ) of those changes attributed to rural women awareness of the right ways dispose farm and home wastes, and (1.37 %) to the degree of rural women's exposure to mass communication methods. -There were five obstacles lace the investigated rural women to dispose their farm and home wastes which were ranging between (45.24%) and (5.71 %) for farm residuals and between (92.14%) and (4.29% ) tor home residua's. -The study revealed that TV programs and personal information sources such as relatives, neighbors, and friends were the main sources for information on the right practices to dispose farm and home wastes.