The main objectives of this study were to: determine the practices followed by the fawners related to sunflower production and marketing, as well as to determine the reasons of some sunflower fanners' reluctance, and their suggestions to encourage crop cultivation expansion in the future. The data were collected from four villages: Kom El- Fara) village,Abou El- Matameer distract (ElBeihera Govemorate),Ali tin Abi Talib village, Bustan (Nobaria area), El-Mashrek EF-Kabley Youssef El-Sadak distract (ElFayoum Governorate), and Manshat Kassab village Ahnasia distract (Beni Sud governorat), by using focus group discussion method, during September 2006. The most Important findings could be Summarized as follows : - Farmers implementation level was low regarding the fowilowing recommendations: farmyard manure, chemical-fertilization, microferblization elements, herbicides chemical-control, use of agncultural machinery, dean-seed before planting, the number of seeds inside Jura, distance between the Jura and the other, number of lines in Gasptin, pest chemical control, and the maturity period of sunflower plants -The most important reasons of farmers' reluctance for cultivating sunflower were as follows: reduced selling prices per ton of sunflower, law productivity, high production costs difficulty of crop marketing traders' governing, shortage of oils factories, high transportation costs, delay the payment of cop price, the presence of crops competition for sunflower more profitable, the ladc of places for collecting crop, and insufficiency of irrigation water. The study recommended all possible solutions that vall help to get rid of these reasons. - The most important farmers proposals to stop reluctance reasons of cultivation of sunflower were as follows : providng appropriate crop prices provision of high production varieties, provision of seeds from better sources, support farmers by loans with low Merest , fast payment of the cop price, increasing the extension fields, increasing extension meeting in the area of sunflower, establishing factories in sunflower areas, provision of irrigation water and encourage the cultivation of sunflower crop loading with other crops. The study recommends taking these recommendations into consideration by experts to encourage farmers to increase the cultivated area of sunflower in the near future.