Background: Role conflict and role ambiguity frequently emerge as problems that result from the demands of
organization and can be components of role stress and role strain. Professional healthcare providers must clearly
understand what is expected of their performance, this can be achieved when all member in the organization have
clearly defined roles and overall objectives .Aim:1- Identify causes of role conflict and role ambiguity at Minia
University Hospital. 2- Determine level of role conflict, role ambiguity and nurses' performance at Minia University,
and 3- To find out the relation among role conflict, role ambiguity and nurses' performance at Minia University
Hospital. Research design: The study was developed within a descriptive correlational approach. Setting: The
study carried out at Minia University Hospital .Subjects: a total of 85 nurses who worked in all general and special
inpatient units at Minia University Hospital. Tools of data collection: The study tools consisted of three tools, it
includes1-Personal data sheet 2- Role conflict and role ambiguity questionnaire, 3) Observation checklist for
Assessment of Nursing Performance. Results: the performance of the studied nurses have negative correlation with
role conflict (r= -0.183 & p=0.094) and with role ambiguity (r= -0.119 & p=0.279). There is a positive correlation
between role ambiguity and role conflict (r=0.5 & p=0.0000). Conclusion: our study concluded that majority of
studied sample at Minia University Hospital have high level of role conflict and role ambiguity regardless of
demographic characteristics. Recommendations: On the light of the study, it was recommended that: Nursing
managers should plan an orientation program to orient nurses about hospital policy, rules, regulation, job description
and responsibilities, other's expectation, facilities , equipment, and performance evaluation standard.