Two field investigations were performed at Sakha Agricultural Research Station (310 07ˉ N Latitude and 300 57ˉ E longitude with an elevation of about 6 metres above mean sea level, MSL). Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate during the two successive winter growing seasons 2013/2014 and 2014/2015to investigate the effect of cultivation method and irrigation treatments on sugar beet yield, yield components, quality and some water relations. The trial was designed split plot with three replicates. The main plots were randomly assigned by cultivation method, A (normal furrows, 60 cm. apart) and B (raised-bed method, 120 cm. apart). While, sub-plots were randomly assigned by irrigation treatments (scheduling treatments). I1 (Traditional irrigation, like to practice by local farmers), I2 (1.2 of cumulative evaporation pan, CEP), I3 (1.0 of cumulative evaporation pan, CEP), I4 (0.8 of cumulative evaporation pan, CEP) and I5 (0.6 of cumulative evaporation pan, CEP).
The main findings can be summarized as follows:-
v The highest mean values for seasonal water applied and water consumptive use were recorded under normal cultivation method comparing with raised-bed method and the values are 2802.00 and 2553.55 m3/ fed. for water applied and 1878.67 and 1818.88 m3/ fed. for water consumptive use under normal and raised-bed methods, respectively. Concerning, the effect of irrigation treatments, the highest mean values were recorded under I1 but the lowest were recorded under I5 for the two studied parameters.
v The highest mean values for consumptive use efficiency (Ecu, %), water productivity (WP) and productivity of irrigation water (PIW) were recorded under raised-bed method and the values are 71.38%, 16.44 (kg/ m3) and 11.74 (kg/ m3) for Ecu, WP and WIP, respectively. The corresponding values under .normal method were 67.335, 14.85 (kg/ m3) and 10.00 (kg/ m3) for Ecu, WP and WIP, respectively. Regarding, the effect of irrigation treatments, the highest mean values were recorded under I5 for Ecu and I4 for WP and PIW.
Concerning, yield, yield components, sucrose percentage, sugar yield and Purity were highly significant affected by both cultivation method and irrigation treatments showed significant effect on the abovementioned studied parameters except top yield (ton/ fed.) in the second season, sucrose % in the first season, root length in the first season, root diameter and purity (%) in the two seasons showed no significant effect on the abovementioned parameters.