In the long-term experiment which was established in 1912 and modified in 1989 at Bahtim in Kaliobia Governorate, Egypt (Latitude 30°8'22"'N, Longitude N 31°15'50") where wheat plants (Triticum aestivum L., var. Gemmaza 9) were planted during 2014 and 2015 winter seasons. Design of the two experiments is a randomized completely block. The current investigation aimed to study the effects of long-term fertilization on the depletion and accumulation of some elements in the soil and its effect on yield of wheat crop. The results confirmed that, highest values of straw, grain biological yield and 1000-grain weight were obtained with complete fertilizers application of N, P and K compared with fertilizer alone. The relative increase of wheat biological yield, N, P and K % and their uptake by grain of wheat resulted from adding fertilized N60 + P19.5 + K48 kg.fed-1 were higher than those from N30 + P19.5 + K48 and N15 + P19.5 + K48, respectively. In addition, the effect of (FYM) with long term was parallel to that noticed for complete fertilization treatments in both old and new experiment. In addition, in the old experiment, values of Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu and Pb were significantly increased in grain under organic fertilizers FYM compared to those of inorganic fertilizers treatments. While, in both of old and new experiments the concentrations of Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu and Pb in grain of wheat under inorganic fertilization treatments were higher in the plots fertilized by super phosphate than those of other inorganic treatments. Also, the significant increase of Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu and Pb concentrations of wheat grains were achieved by adding fertilizers at N60 + P19.5 + K48 kg. fed-1 comparing with that gained by N30 + P19.5 + K48 and N15 + P19.5 + K48, respectively. In the old experiment, the highest values of available forms of N-NO3-, N-NH4+, N and K of soil were obtained by applying FYM fertilizer treatments but available P in soil inorganic treatment was higher than that of FYM. On the contrary, the highest values of available Mn, Zn, Pb and Cu in inorganic NPK treatment were higher than FYM, while, Fe in soil treated with FYM was higher than that of NPK fertilizer. In addition, in soil of new experiment the available Form N-NH4+, N, P and K were higher in the plots resaving N30 + P19.5 + K48 than those in N60 + P19.5 + K48. On the contrary, the available Fe, Mn, Zn, Pb and Cu under N60 + P19.5 + K48 was higher than those of N30 + P19.5 + K48 treatments. Values of available N, P and K in soil were decreased with decreasing of N levels and depletion of P, K with long-term experiment and with increasing plants requirement. While, accumulation micronutrients in soil were found as a result of using inorganic fertilizers in long term experiment. After more than 104 years of establishing these experiments and with low productivity, there is little doubt that current nutrient management practices are not sustainable and more efficient management systems need to be developed. Therefore, it must take into account crop types, high fertilizer requirements and combining between mineral fertilizers and FYM or crop residues but with retention of old plots to compare with new treatments.