The surveyed arthropods on soybean plants and polyculture of soybean and
maize at two locations representing Middle Egypt revealed the presence of 117 insect
species belonging 10 58 fOlrr.iiies from 11 orders (of which 9 species of order
Orthoptera belonging to 4 families). classified as 44 phytophagous species of
economic importance (37.0%) and 33 insec1 sp < /span>ecies as visitors. pollinators. non-pest
and saprophagous (28.0%). However. natural enemies (predators and parasites) were
presented by 40 species (35.0%) and Acarina by 4 species (2 of them were classified
as phytophagous mites and the others as predators). In maizelsoybean intercropping
systems. maize is infested mosUy with the same pests. where a partial taxonomic list
shows that the insect fauna consists of 43 famiQes from 11 orders in addition to mites
(3 families): pest species were classified as: 9 species as foliage feeders, 3 as stem
borers. 2 as root feeders. 5 as ear feeders. 1 as leaf miner, 10 as sap-suckers and 22
as natural enemies (13 predators and 9 parasites). Four species of Acarina belonging
to 3 families (2 phytophagous and 2 predators).
The surveyed arthropods on soybean plants and polyculture of soybean and
maize at two locations representing Middle Egypt revealed the presence of 117 insect
species belonging 10 58 fOlrr.iiies from 11 orders (of which 9 species of order
Orthoptera belonging to 4 families). classified as 44 phytophagous species of
economic importance (37.0%) and 33 insec1 sp < /span>ecies as visitors. pollinators. non-pest
and saprophagous (28.0%). However. natural enemies (predators and parasites) were
presented by 40 species (35.0%) and Acarina by 4 species (2 of them were classified
as phytophagous mites and the others as predators). In maizelsoybean intercropping
systems. maize is infested mosUy with the same pests. where a partial taxonomic list
shows that the insect fauna consists of 43 famiQes from 11 orders in addition to mites
(3 families): pest species were classified as: 9 species as foliage feeders, 3 as stem
borers. 2 as root feeders. 5 as ear feeders. 1 as leaf miner, 10 as sap-suckers and 22
as natural enemies (13 predators and 9 parasites). Four species of Acarina belonging
to 3 families (2 phytophagous and 2 predators).