The present study was conducted at a private date palm farm about 125 feddans at Fayoum district, Fayoum governorate to study Seasonal flight activity of adult Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Oliv. for one year between 23 October 2012 and 24 September 2013. Two synthetic aggregation pheromones were used in this study, the first pheromone was Ferrolure+ and the second pheromone was Rhyncap. The other attractants were ethyl acetate , date palm fruits and synthetic kairomone. Results showed that the number of weevils captured in traps recorded 4 flight activity periods. The first period extended from Oct. 23 to mid Jan. with peak 35 weevils /5 traps/ week during the early of December. The 2nd flight activity period was from mid Jan. to the 4th week of April with peak 31 weevils / 5 traps. The 3rd flight activity period extended from 4th week of April to 4th week of July and recorded the two highest peaks 48 and 58 weevils /5 traps during 1st and 3rd week of May. Afterwards the population increased to record the 4th flight activity period with peak 21 weevils /5 traps through 3rd week of September. The sex ratio was 3 : 1 for females and males, respectively.. The pest recorded 4 generations per year. The simple correlation between weather factors and population of total flight period activity was insignificantly negative with maximum and minimum temperatures while insignificantly positive with RH%.
The traps baited with Ferolure+ plus date fruits caught the highest number of weevils followed by the traps baited with Ferrolure+ plus ethyl acetate ; both Ferrolure+ and Rhyncap alone where the captured weevils recorded 399, 301, 100 and 51 weevils/3 traps / 16 weeks, respectively. Traps baited with ethyl acetate plus date palm fruits captured a few weevils as compared with that baited with the pheromone combined with Ethyl acetate and date palm fruits or pheromones alone, it captured 9 weevils. Meanwhile, no adult weevils were responded to the traps baited with ethyl acetate or synthetic kairomone alone without aggregation pheromone. Results showed that adult weevils preferred the traps placed in the east direction where it attracted the highest number (275 weevils/3 traps /10 weeks). While the least number of captured weevils were recorded in the traps in south direction (120 weevils/3traps/10 weeks).