The lethal effect of Beauveria bassiana isolateon Aphis craccivora revealed that the least percentage of adult mortality was 11%, which was recorded with the lowest tested concentration (1X103spores/ml), while The highest percentage of adult mortality was (54%) was achieved at (1X107spores/ml). compared with 4% in natural mortality. In a similar trial to evaluate the effect of B. bassiana against the aphid lion Chrysopela carnea (Stephens), exposure of the 2nd larval instar of aphid lion to B. bassiana isolateeither through direct or indirect exposure resulted in adverse effects on the total percent of larval mortality, which was concentration dependent. Whereas the total larval death recorded 3% in control trials, data in case of direct exposure revealed 9 to 41% of larval death at 1X103 and 1X107 spores/ ml, respectively, Comparable trend was recorded with larvae indirectly exposed. A slight increase in larval mortality was recorded by 5 to 15 %, respectively. In case of direct exposure technique the hatchability percentage decreased by increasing fungal concentration. The fluctuation in the indirect exposure technique did not statistically differ from that recorded in case of control trials.