The present study was carried out in two succeesive seasons of 1 ~98/1999
and 1999/ 2000 \0 find out the relative importance of irrigation interval and hoeing
frequency under two 'Irrigation systems on yield and quality of sugar beet in sandy
soil at Ismalilia Governorate. The study included 12 treatments which were the
combination between two Irrigation systems (drip and surface). two hoeing regimes
(ellery 7 and 14 days) ano tnrae irrigation intervals (every 3, 5 and 7 da s). The
results showed that surface irrigation out yielded drip Irrigation system; in most
studied characters. Hoeing at intervals of 7 days produced higher roolle~gth, rool
diameter, root and top yields! fed , sucrose % TSS %, sugar yield 1 fed and LUE
compared with 15 days ones. While purity % was not affected by hoeing interval.
Irrigation intervals (at 3,5 and 7 days) exercised a significant effect on all studied
characters except, purity % which was not significantly affected
For the interaction effects, the effect of hoeing intervals on roo! yield was s nificant
only when surface irrigation was followed. Sucrose % behaved like root I~ield and
sugar yield lIed , prolonging hoeing interval to 15 days, decreased sucrose % and
sugar yield I fed. Sugar yield I fed I day showed similar reaction to increasing hoeing
interval only under surface irrigation.
SImple correlation coefficIents proved positive and highly significant
correlation between sugar yield (11 fed) and the studied eight characters.
According 10 Ihe oolained results, it could be recommended that surface rrigation
system Is considered the best one as it, hoeing at intervals of 7 days and
scheduling irrigation at 5 days interval. This treatments were more suitable for
growing sugar beet plants under newty redaimed land conditions. .