Two field experiments were conducted at Shandaweel experimental station,
Sohag governorate, upper Egypt during 2000 I 2001 and 2001 12002 seasons to
study effect of intercropplng sugar beet and sugar cane. Sugar beet was planted with
one row on the ridge of sugar cane under different plant densities of sugar beet. Each
experiment included fIVe treetments; 3 treatments lor distances of sugar beet at 20, 25
and 30 em among the hills and :2 treatments for pure stand of sugar pure stand of
beet. Randomized complete block design was used In the experiment i.vlth four
replication pial Brea was 25 m2• The main resulls could be summarized as follows:
Sugar cane yield was decreased from intercropping with sugar ~eet and
lowest value was obtained from planting sugar beet at 20cm betwee~ hills.
Brix degree. sucrose. purity, rendement and sugar yield were unaffec ed by
Inlercropping In both seasons.
Pure stand of sugar beet had higher top and root yieldslf d Than
intercropped sugar beet.
Sugar beet quality characters were decreased by intercropping except total
soluble solids (T.S.S %), was increased by intercr'opping in both seasons.
Intercropplng sugar beet with sugar cane increased land usage b 48.5 to
64 %.
The relative crowding coefficient fO( both crops was increased by increasing
distance between hills of sugar beet.
The economical analysis clearly showed that intercropping sugar eet with
sugar cane gave the highest gross profit comparing with sole cropped
treatments. Moreover. the results indicated that the best treatment was when
the interc:ropped sugar beet was sown at distance of 30 cm between1hills.
It could be recommended that planting one row of sugar beet at a distance of
30 cm between hills on cane ridges is successful and profitable for production under
conditions 01 Upper Egypt.