Two field experiments were carried out at Sakha Agricultural Research
Station. North Nile Delta region during the two growing seasons 200112002 and
200212003 to find out the main effect of irrigation intervals on (2,3 or 4 weeks) sugar
beet water parameters and maximizing productivity per each unit of applied water.
Obtained results showed that root and sugar yield were the highest (26,012
and 4.648 lon/fed i.e.62.429 and 11.155 tonlha, respectively) under the same
condition of 3 weeks irrigatioo interval. Sucrose and purity percentage (17.88 and
8488%) were in the same line with the soil moisture of irrigation each 21 days. It
might be slated that the most convenient irrigation interval of sugar beet in North Nile
Delta region is about 21 days (3 weeks). While irrigation interval of 4 weeks resulted
in the maximum percentage of Alkaline coefficient Ac. {3.53%}.
The average seasonal water applied, which consists of irrigation water (IW)
and rainfall (R,) for sugar beet was bout 2826.60 m3/fad. (67.3 cm) to 2182.95 m3lted.
(52.0 cm) depending upon rainfall and soil moisture status for 2 and 3 weeks intervals
, respectively.
During the growing season, 3 weeks irri~ation interval treatment received
2144.10 m3lted. as irrigation water and 327.60 m Ifed. as rainfall (51.05 em IWand
7.8 cm Rr). In other words, seasonal water duty of sugar beet in Katr EI-Sheikh
equaled 86.7 % as irrigation water and 13.3% as rainfall.
Average beet water consumptive use could be arranged in descending order
as: 2193.66 m3/fed. (52.23 em), 1838.55 m3/fed. (43.78 ern) and 1548.75 m3Jfed.
(36.88 cm) for 2,3 or 4 weeks intervals, respectively. Rate of beet consumptive use
was arranged as: 0.28, 0.23 and 0.19 cmfday for the same treatments, respectively.
The hi§hest average of water utilization efficiency (W.UT.E.) for root yield
was 10.53 kgfm , which resulted (rom 3 weeks irrigation intervals. On the other hand,
the lowest value of 8.58 kg/m3resulted from irrigation each 2 weeks. The same trend
was obtained regarding W.UT.E. in relation to sugar yield, the average values were
1.88 and 1.40 kg/m3,with the same treatments respectively.
Similar direction was obtained regarding the effect of irrigation intervals on the
water use efficiency (W.U.E.) for both root and sugar yields.
The average values of consumptive use efficiency (E cu) were, 77.7, 74.5 and
71.1 % for 2,3 or 4 weeks irrigation intervals, respectively.