This study was conducted at Barrage Horticulture El-Kanater, Kaluobia
Agricultural. Research Station. During the period 2002·2004 to study the inheritance
of some bean varieties. Four bean cultivars viz., Bronco. Poulesta. Tema and Deoul
were used in this study. Production of different generation, i. e. Parents. Flo F,r. and
F2 population were estimated. The population were evaluated for plant height. number
of days to Oowering, green pods ylelo/plant. number of pods/plant. pod weight and
pod length.
Generally, all degrees of dominance (no, partial. complete and
overdominance) were estimated. Average degree of heterosis for all characters.
minimum number of genes, and broad sence heretability (BSH) were estimated.
Tl1e different types of dominance were observed in many populations, such as
overdominance for the better parents were observed in some traits, i. e. plant height.
pod weight, pod yield and number of pod/plant. On the contrary overdominance
towards the low parents was observed in number of days to Oowering. Partial
dominance for the better parents were showed in pod weight and number of
pod/plant. On the other hand partial dominance towards the low parent observed in
characters such as plant height, number cf days to flowering. pod weight. and green
pod yield/plant. Complete dominance were showed in pod weight and number of
pod/plant. No dominance were obtained in plant height, number of pod/plant and
green yield/plant. Positive heterosis were showed in most characters as plant height,
number of days to flowering, pod weight. number of pod/plant and green pod
yield/plant. Also negative heterosis was in some characters for some crosses.
Minimum number of genes were estimated for all characters it is ranged from one pair
to three pairs. BSH were estimated in all characters it is ranged from 40.70 to 93.40.