Two field experiments were carried out at the Agricultural Experimental and
Research Station, Faculty of Agriculture. Cairo University, Giza, Egypt. dunng 2003
and 2004 seasons to study the effect of some nitrogen rates ( 0, 40, 80, and 120 kg
N/fed) and between hill spacing ( 20, 25. and 30 cm ) on yield and juice quality of
sweet sorghum. Variety ., Roma" was used in the study.
Increasing nitrogen rates from zero to 120 kg N/ied m~dl ~eaiy increased stalk
diameter. stalk length and reducing sugars. while Brix and sucrose were decreased
with increasinq nitrogen rate. Stalk weight. juice extraction. and stripped stalk yield as
well as syrup yield (galion/fed) and total juice sugar yield were increased as nitrogen
rate was increased up to 120 kg N/fed.
The results also revealed that the wider space (30 ern) between hills produced
the highest stalk diameter. stalk length. Brix. and sucrose as well as reducing sugars
and purity percentages. On the other hand stalk weight, stripped stalk yield. syrup
yield gallon/led and totat juice sugar yield were increased With sweet sorghum grown
al 25 em between hills.
The interaction between nitrogen rate and hili spacing had a significant effect
on some studied traits. Sweet sorghum grown at 25 cm between hills and given 120
kg N/fed gave the highest stopped stalk yield (ton/fed). syrup yietd (galton/fed) and
total juice sugar yield (tonlfed)