Two experiments were conducted in the Floriculture and Ornamental
Horticulture Research Garden, at El-Shatby. during the seasons of 20002002 and
200212003, to study the effect of cycocel 0n the vegetative growth and the keeping
quality of a local cultivar of Mofucceffa faevr's L. plants. Each experiment included two
application methods of Cycocel, as a foliar spray or as a soil drench, using the rates
at 0.500100020003000 and 4000 ppm. Generally. all cycocel treatments were
significantly effective in controlling the plant height. compared with the control, but the
effect of the soil drench was significantly more than that of the foliar spray in reducing
the plant height. The minimum plant height was recorded at the highest cycocel
concentration of the soil drench {4000 ppm) followed by the same concentration of
foliar spray in the first and second seasons respectively. The control plants
significantly had the maxrmum mean of the leaf area. compared with cycoc‘el treated
plants. The leaf area decreased with increasing cycocel concentrations. Cycocel
significantly decreased the shoot dry weight, compared with the control. The lowest
mean was recorded at the highest cycocel concentration applied as a soil drench.
The leaf chlorophyll contents were significantly increased in the treated plants,
compared with the untreated ones in both application methods. Cycocel significantly
increased the vase life compared with the control. The maximum vase tife (12.8, 12.2
days) were recorded by the treatments at (4000 ppm) as foliar spray followed by the
treatment of the same concentration as soil drench in the first and second seasons
respectively. Water uptake of plants were improved by all cycocel treatments.
however, the differences among treatments were not significant. The maximum water
uptake was obtained by the treatments of 3000 ppm followed by 2000 ppm cycocel
as foliar spray. in the first and second seasons respectively.