To study the influence of plant density, chicken manures and N, P rates on
growth. yield and quality of cabbage cv. Brunswick. two field experiments were
conducted at Experimental Farm of Baramoon, Dakahlia Governorate during the
winter seasons 2002/03 and 200304. Eighteen treatments representing all possible
combinations of three plant spacing (25 x 75 cm), (35 x ?5 cm) and (45 x 75 cm) to
give plant density 16000. 11000 and 8500 plants tied. two chicken manure levels (0
and 20 m3/fed.) and three N, P levels (60 kg N + 30 kg osifed. 80 kg N + 40 kg
P205r'fed and 100 kg N + 50 kg osffed) were used in split-split plot design with
three replicates.
The obtained results can be summarized as foilows:-
1. Effect of plant density:
Plant density had a significant effect on all traits under study in both seasons.
High plant density (16 thousand plants i fed) resulted in a decrease of plant fresh
weight. Outer leaves weight. head diameter. head weight and mean time from
transplanting to maturity. Increasing the plant density increased total yield. dry matter
% in inner leaves and vitamin C content. Lower plant density (8.5 thousand per fed)
caused a significant increase in accumulation of N, P, K and NO"; on cabbage leaves.
2. Organic fertilizer:
Chicken manure fertilizatIOn had a significant effect on all traits under study in
both seasons. Plant fresh weight, outer leaves weight. head weight, head diameter
and yield (tonlfed) were significantly increased by application of 20 m3 chicken
manure I led, but DM% and mean time from transplanting to maturity were
significantly decreased by application of 20 m3 chicken manure 1 fed. N. P, K
accumulation in all leaves. V.C content and protein % were significantly increased and
NO'; accumulation was significantly decreased as a result of chicken manure
3. Nitrogen and phosphorus rates:
Increasing nitrogen and phosphorus rates up to 100 kg N + 50 kg osrfed
caused significant increases in all traits under study, except DM‘i'o and V.C content,
these trails were significantly decreased as the levels of N + P fertilizers increases.
These results were true in both seasons.
The interaction effects among the experimental factors were almost significant
in both seasons.
Finally. for the best cabbage yield cv Brunswick, ll could be recommended It
thousands plant 1 fed + 20 m3 l fed chicken manure + 100 kg N + 50 kg P205 f fed.