Two field experiments were performed at Gamal Abd El-Nasser Experimental
Farm during 200312004 and 20040005 seasons to study the response of three local
hard wheat (Triticum dumm) cultivars, ie. (Maragwi, Zarda and lBna) to five P levels
(0, 15. 25. 35 and 45 kg Pfha.) at Al-Gabal Al-Akhdar, Libya situated at latitude 21" 43'
North and 32" 26' East and latitude 590 m above sea level. A split plot design with
three replications was used.
The obtained results indicated that cultivars had a significant effect on spike
length in both seasons and grain width and 1000-grain weight in 2"" season. This
effect was not true on other studied traits. Zarda cultivar tended to produce the
highest values compared with other two cultivars in both seasons. The same cultivar
out yielded Margawi as well as lEina cultivar in grain yield by 0.17 and 0.43 tfha. as
well as 0.83 and 0.73 tfha. in both seasons. respectively.
Difference in grain yield and most of its related variables due to changing P
levels were significant in both seasons. Application of the highest P level (45 kg Pfha.)
produced 1.44 and 0.91 Uha. more than unfertilized treatments. With regarding to
protein. glutein and P content. the highest values results from application of the
highest P level (45 kg Pfha.). Cultivars x P levels interaction had a significant effect on
numbers of tillers and spikesfmz, spike weight, grain length and 1000-grain weight in
one season.