A Number of 38 single crosses obtained directly from crossing of nine inbred
lines in a half diallel system and two checks were evaluated in a randomized
complete block design, with four replications, in three locations; i.e., Sal-(ha, Gemmeiza
and Sids Res. Stations in 2005 summer season. The objectives of this study were to
estimate heterosis and combining ability. The combined analysis of data across
environments showed highly significant for locations (Loo), general combining
ability (GOA), specific combining ability (SCA) and GCA x Loc. interaction for all
studied characters except GCA x Loo interaction for ear height. Additive genetic
effects exhibited to have played an important role than the non-additive genetic effects
in the expression of all studied characters, except for grain yield under and over the
three locations. Also. the additive genetic effects were much more influenced by
change of location than the non-additive genetic effects for all studied characters. The
highest desirable values of GCA effects were obtained from Sk5170 and Sk8170
inbreds for silking date, plant and ear height. Sk6017, Sk8014 and Sk9195 inbreds for
grain yield and ear length and Gm152 inbred for number of rowsfear. The best crosses
having desirable values for both SCA and heterotic effects relative to the best check
were Sk8012 x Sk8170 for silking date; Sk63 x Sk8012, Sk5170 x Sk8170 and Sl<8014
x Sk9195 for plant and ear height; Sd83 x Sk6017, Sk6017 x Sk8014 and Sk6018 x
Sk9195 for grain yield, Sd63 x Sk6017 for ear length and Gm152 x Sk8017 and
Gm152 x Sk9195 for number of rowslear. it is worth noting that a cross having good
SCA effects, may come from two parents when at least one of them possesses high
GCA effects.