Twenty-four grain sorghum hybrids, obtained by crossing each of three
male sterile lines to eight restorer lines, were evaluated in a randomized complete
block design at two locations, Shadwell Agric. Res. Farm - Sohag and Assiut Univ.
Agric. Res. Farm, n 2001 seascn. Measurements for grain yield! plant. days to 50%
flowering, Fant height and 1000-grain weight were recorded. The genetic parameters
‘Nere estimated by using line x tester analysis. The combined data over the two
locations revealed that six crosses out-yielded significant by the check hybrid
(Shandaweel-6). Heterosis for grain yield / plant was high for these six crosses and it
was 59.35, 57.72, 50.41, 50.10, 48.54 and 41.13 % over the best parent for the
crosses ( ICSA-10288 x MR-812 ), (ICSA-10288 x ICSR-94005 ), ( ICSA-10288 x
ICSR-93001), ( ICSA-10288 x ICSR-93021), ( ICSA-10288 x ICSR-92003 ) and (
ICSA-37 x ICSR-92003),respectively. The female lines ICSA-10288; ICSA-37 and the
restorer lines MR-812, ICSR-94005 ICSR-93001, ICSR-93021 and 1CSR-92003 were
good combiners for grain yield. For specific combining ability (sca), the cross (ICSA
10288 x MR-812) had highly significant sca effect. The six hybrids that out-yielded
than the check hybrid needs to be tested on large scale before releasing as
commercial hybrids