The present investigation was carried out for two successive seasons 2003 and 2004, with the aim of evaluating four grape cultivars, one seedless: Concord Seedless (V. Lbrusca) and three seeded varieties (Italia, MuscatHamburg and Red Globe).
These cultivars were grown in a private vineyard at Wadi El- Natron, El-Behera governorate, Egypt. Parameters were studied as to be used to express and qualify the leaf morphology. Lengths and angles of leaf veins were used to characterize the shapes of leaves. To describe lobbing, relative depth of lateral sinuses in relation to veins was estimated. Three vein ratios were established in relation to midrib to help in identification. The principal vein angels with one another and their values also provided a useful element for vine identification. Morphological studies included: growing tip, leaves, tendril, bunches and berries TSS, acidity and TSS \ acid ratio. The average bunch weight was large in Red Globe and Italia cvs., while it was small in Concord seedless and MuscatHamburg cvs. Berry weight and size were very large for all cultivars except Concord Seedless cv. which was medium. Berry shape was obovoid in Concord Seedless cv., spherical in MuscatHamburg and spherical obovoid in Italia and Red Globe cvs. Berry colour was Golden in Italia cv., blue –black in MuscatHamburg, Pinkish red in Red Globe while, in Concord Seedless cv. was red with the skin typically blue. Concord Seedless is considered from seedless cultivars, while the other cvs. were seeded. Concord Seedless cv. showed that the lowest bud burst% and coefficient of bud fertility compared to Red Globe cv. which had the highest bud burst% and coefficient of bud fertility.