The mutagenicity study of industrial waste water of oil and soap factory of ZagazigCity was carried out using two microbial assayes, prophage induction and transduction. Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacterial strain MAM2A1 (Lysogen with phage F116) was used to prophage induction assay. The results showed that all the volumes that used before treating of the waste water had a mutagenic activity. The fold increase than spontaneous release was 11.3 when added 20 ml of the waste water. However, after treating the high volumes (15 and 20 ml) had only a mutagenic activity. Phage induced by different industrial waste water volumes allowed to transduce streptomycin resistance gene. Number of transductants and subsequently transduction frequency were increased when waste water was used before treating. Transduction frequency reached 1.3X10-4,with 6 fold increase by adding 20 ml of the waste water. After treatment, the transduction frequency was increased in all volumes but did not reached the mutagenic activity. Effect of waste water on phage F116 lysate was tested. Then the phage was assayed in its ability to form plaques and transduce streptomycin resistance gene. The efficiency of phage to form plaques was dropped from 2.1x109 to 1.4x107 pfu / ml by using 0.5 ml of waste water. However by using 20 ml, the efficiency dramatically decreased to 1.9x105 pfu/ ml.
The effect of industrial waste water on survival of two Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacterial strains (MAM2 A1 and PU 21A3) was assessed. The survival percentage of both strains was influenced. It was reached 1.3 in strain MAM2A1 and 0.14 in strain PU21 A3 when 20 ml of the waste water before treating was added. After treating it was ranged from 1.2 to 1.4 for both strains. It seemed that the treatment of these waste water did not enhance the survival of both bacterial strains that used in this study.
The results of this investigation clearly showed that the industrial waste water of oil and soap factory hade a strong mutagenic response in two short assayes, prophage induction and transduction.The waste water had a powerful killing effect on two Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains. The treatment of the wastes did not protect these strains in surviving. However, the efficiency of the phage has been seriously affected when the phage treated with waste water. Also treating the waste water before releasing into MowasRiver had no remarkable effect in reducing the mutagenic activity of these wastes. Therefore, strict quality requirement should be set to protect public health.