This study was carried out at El-Kanater Research Station, El-Kaluobia Governorate during the two successive seasons of 2012-2013 and 2013-2014, to investigate the effect of two combination, between two vernalization periods (30 and 45days at 5 0C and 85%R.H.) and two planting dates (August 15th and September 1st) in addition to control (without vernalization) on growth, yield and its components as well as inulin contents of Globe Artichoke. The experimental design was complete randomized block design with three replications.
Results show clearly that plants vernalizaed for 30 or 45 days and planted on September 1st gave the highest plant survival percentage followed by those vernalized for 45 days and planted on August 15th in the two tested seasons. The lowest survival percent was shown in non vernalized plants planted on August 15th or on Sept.1st. Also vernalization for 30 days then planting on September 1st and vernalization for 45 days and planting on Aug.15th gave the highest leaf number and head dry mater content. Number of early heads per plant and per feddan increased significantly with vernalization than control. Vernalization for 30 days then planting in Sept.1st showed significantly the highest weight of early yield per plant as well as weight and diameter of receptacle in the two tested years. Plants received vernalization for 30 days and panted on Sept.1st gave the highest number of total heads / plant and per feddan in the two tested years. plants vernalized for 45 days then planted in Aug. 15th produced the highest significant total yield /plant and inulin contents in the two tested years. Late planting showed significant decrement in the diameter of flower heads of total yield regardless vernalization.
The study recommends that vernelization of Globe Artichoke plant materials at 5oC and 85%RH in peat moss layers for 30 days before early planting on Aug.15th is very needed to enhance plant survival, yield and quality as well as inulin content in Globe Artichoke heads