An experiment was conducted during 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 growing seasons at Shandaweel Agriculture Research Station, Sohag Governorate, Egypt to study the effect of two seeding rates (50 and 60 kg/fed), three bread wheat cultivars (Shandaweel-1, Sids-12 and Giza-168) and six weed control treatments (Atlantis (T1), Garnstar + Tpik (T2), Garnstar + Axial (T3), Garnstar + Traxos (T4), hand weeding twice (T5) and unweeeded control (T6) )on weeds growth, yield and yield components of wheat. Split-split plot design with four replications was used. Results indicated that seeding rates were significantly on annual weeds (g/m2) and yield and yield components in both seasons. Increased seeding rate to 60 (kg/fed) significantly decreased the dry weight of total weeds (g/m2) by 23.48 and 36.81% in first and second seasons, respectively compared to seeding rate of 50 (kg/fed).Seeding rate at 60 (kg/fed)give highest values of spike/length,No. of spikes/m2and grains yield (arad/fed) in both seasons.Wheat cultivars were significantly effect on dry weight of weeds in both seasons.Giza-168 cultivar decreased the dry weight of broad, grassy and total weeds by 19.98, 23.22 and 21.7% in the first season and by 25.02, 30.58 and 35.67% in the second season, respectively as compared to Sids-12cultivar.Wheat cultivarswere significantly effect of spike/length, No.of spikes/m2, grains weight/spike,weight of spike and grains yield (arad/fed) in both seasons.Weed control treatments were significantly reduced dry weight of grassy, broad-leaved and total weeds (g/m2) in both seasonscompared to(T6). Using of (T2), (T4)and (T5) twice gave the highestreduction the dry weight of grass, broad-leaved weed and total weeds in both seasons.Weed control treatments were significanteffect of spike length,No. of spikelets/spike,No. of spikes/m2,No. of grains/spike,spikeweight,seed index and grains yield (arad/fed) in both seasons.The interactions among highest seeding rate of 60 kg/fed, wheat Cultivar Giza 168 and (T5) reduced dry weight of the grassy weeds by 94.9 and 97.3% in 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 seasons, respectively, and the dry weight of total weeds by 97.5% in 2015/2016 season as compared to sowing Sids-12 cultivar by seeding rate at 50 kg/fed and unweededtreatment.Correlation analyses weresignificantly negative correlation with weight of grassy, broad-leaved and total weeds and yield in the first and second seasons, andsignificantly positive correlation between yield and its components in both seasons.Economic evaluation of the results indicated that seeding rates 60kg/fed with wheat cultivars Giza 168 and using of (T2), (T4)and (T5) gave the highest economic values, gross income, net income and profitability in the average of two seasons. Generally, cultivation Giza-168 at a rate 60kg/fed seed and application of (T2), (T4) and (T5)obtained by better crop of wheat under the experiment conditions.