Three different oils, namely palm oil (P .0.). corn Oil (C.O.} and sunflower oil
(S.O.) along with butter fat "ghee· (S.F.) were investigated to explore t eir heat
stability during deep frying of French fries. Moreover, five blends 01 the
aforementioned oils and B.F. were formulated as follows: Blend 1 (1 PO .•. 2 CO .•. 3
SO .•. 4 SF), Blend 2 (4 PO + 3 CO + 2 SO oj. , BF); Blend 3 (2 PO .•. 1 CO + 3 SO .•. 4
BF): Blend 4 (3 PO + 4 CO .•. 1 SO;. 2 BF) and blend 5 (1 PO + 2 CO .•. 4 SO .•. 3
SF). Oils, SF and their blends were continuously healed et 180°C for 8 hours.
Samples of each oil and blend were with drawn at 2, 4. 6 and 8 hours of deep frying
and analyzed. Data indicated that refractive index, viscosity, peroxide value, free fatty
acids were found to Significantly Increase as the time of frying was pr~eded. In
contrast iodine value. was found to decline as frying time was prolonged.
oas and blends exhibited different patterns of solid fal content (SFC) and
fatty acid composition and to some extent different colour as measured by I..ovibond
Tintomeler. Meanwhile, sensory evaluation of the five oil blends under studr did not
reveal any significant variation. In the light of data presented here, ;t can be C9ncluded
that the blends under investigation can be applied In deep frying process up 10 8
hours without significant deterioration in their qualities.