The research problem was the decreasing of real Egyptian
agricultural income rate of growth by companion with the rate of growth in
agricultural population which hinders calving Economic welfare. The research
aimed at studying the development of Egyptian agricultural income and its
components and determining the share 01 agricultural activities generating
that income, and determining the main factory affecting it though the period
(1986 - 2000).
Result Showed that: (
The real Egyptian agricultural income and its main components
increased with significant rates, and the net agricultural real income increase
significantly with 2.8 % of its annual average which reached 1698.6 million
pounds through the same period ( 1986 - 2000 ).
The coefficient of variation reflected the clear variation in the
agricultural income and its components the activity 01 eggs is the most
variating activity and least stabl.e but field crops was the minimum variating
and more stable.
Tne activity ot field production represents the first priority according
to its share in Egyptian agricultural income, then comes animal production
and finally fisheries.
The main variables affecting the real Egyptian agricultural income
were cropping area, agricultural labor, machinery, fertilizes, pesticides, real
agricultural investments and agricultural loans
The most important variable was agricultural investment increasing
real agricultural investment by 10% raised the agricultural income by 3.5 % .
The study recommends of raise investments for agricultural sector
which leads to raising the standard 01 economic welfare or agricultural