This study alma at identifying the level of rice fann mechanization and discoyerlng the
fadorslhat are correlates and detenninanb of rice fann mechanIzatIon.
To realize those objectNes, data were collected from a cluster sample of 230 fanners I'om six
villages In Kallen, S$M-Salem and Kerr EI-Sheikh dislricfs.
Percentage., Correlation, regression and step-wise multiple regreulon tech iques (Slep wise
solution) ....". used for data prelentatlon and IInalysil.
The raub of the study showed that:
1· The majority of tlllmers (80.4%) enjoy low level of rice farm mechanization.
2· The combine and thrlllher machines are Uled In a wide scele, aller that rioe straw baler,
transplanter and lASeR levelling are used in smaller scale; but the use fA ,eaber, binder,
solar greln dryer, raking rice strow is neatly abient.
J.. 1M rewb of .Mnple correlalion /'Dvealed that non·falm Income, size of I. holding, size of
animal hold.lng, standard of living, mass medi8 exposure, informallnleractlon, knCMlledge
about rioe fann mechanization, attitude towards rice fann mechanization, ucationalleYel,
participation In local organizations, Innovativenllund particIpation in community
development projectl..".,re significantly lind positively relllied to rice fann mechenizatloll . But
the degree 01 firming involvement was 'ignicantly and negatively related to rice fann
4· The in dependenl variables of this study explain abOllt25.6% of the total variance in rice 'ann
mecltanezslion . partial leg,"sion coetl'k:lenls show thaI six Independen variables make
signiftcant unique contr'ibutions to the regression equation. They are dependency on labour
cooperation, non·'ann Income, land size, informal interaction, knowledge about riCe farm
mechanization and attitUde towarde rice farm mechanization.
The step-wise solution yielded a reduced equation ~ntaining four Independent variables that
explain about 20.6% of the variance in rice fann meehanlzation. These Variab)es Ire land size,
attitude towards rice fann mechanization, knowledge about rice farm mechanization and non- farm